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RE: 2021-08-10

in THE 2020s3 years ago

I like what you said about how creativity should not be forced. I try not to force anything on my siblings, but I’m constantly wary of the influence of other things that numb them, reduce their critical thinking, that pacify them into accepting answers from anything regardless. A lot of what you said alarms me whether it be COVID vaccines killing people or the matter of insurrection concerning Ashli Babbit. What do you suggest I do? I don’t the wool pulled over my eyes. Seldom been one to enjoy that.

 3 years ago (edited) 

My advice to you and others is to do whatever you want to do each day but to start out small, focus on what you believe and start with that. Stay true to yourself. Know who you are and whatever you choose to believe as a foundation to how you make choices, how you live your life.

What you should do depends on whatever you can do right now and with what you want to do. If you're looking to investigate things relating to what happened on Jan6 with Ashli Babbit, the alleged insurrection, or if you're trying to do research on things relating to Covid, vaccines, lockdown, globalism, VAERS, how Bill Gates is trying to reduce the total population of humans on the planet, etc, I could try to give you some links, some videos, different websites, maybe some books, maybe different shows, podcasts, different things you can watch or look at, articles, documentaries, memes, diagrams, etc, etc.

What I might want to show you depends on what you might already know and it depends on what you want to study, what you want to look at, and my number one place I would start with if I was you would be to watch Alex Jones of Infowars on his Banned . Video website which you can find at or I could suggest other websites, other people, other networks, other channels, other shows, but Alex is number one in understanding how globalists and control freaks have been trying to take over the world since at least the 1800s or in some ways even longer than that meaning the last one hundred years or many centuries in other ways on different levels by different families like Rothschild and others.