Over 650 listeners for Caribbean Crypto Chat 70 last night!

in CARIB Hivelast year

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Last night's Caribbean Crypto Chat was perhaps the most successful ever. After almost a year and a half of hosting our space for Web3 discussions in the Caribbean, we amassed over 9 speakers and approximately 500 listeners in less than 12 hours (pictured below), and over 650 at the time of writing (above).

We spoke until almost 12 AM my time. there was loads of educational content and a ton of jokes. When I woke up to post my GMs on Twitter this morning, I was greeted by this grande tally...

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It was a classic...

We would love for you to join us as next week's Caribbean Crypto Chat 71 has already been scheduled and shared on the @CaribDAO blog, here: https://peakd.com/hive-145415/@caribdao/caribbean-crypto-chat-week-71-wednesdays--8-pm-est


Listen to the Recording:


Binance Live: https://www.binance.com/en/live/video?roomId=2151683


Join the CARIB Zealy Quest:

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Bless up!