Day Out in the Open

in Nature Loverslast month

Been so long I stepped outside to take a cool breeze feel the air without really going anywhere in particular.
Most time I take a stroll are in the evenings which is very occasionally .
Most times we tend to go outside when we're less busy and just need to see the environment around us .
But I was quite intentional about this step out , as an Introvert it's okay to seek Solace in your bedroom , some days you'll find it and other days you just might not.
You could be writing a book and to think shutting yourself out from the world makes it easier for you to concentrate when you sometimes that a stroll.

Most people take a vacation just to easy off stress while other just do some activities to take there made back to function mode so they can continue there task at hand .
The Brain is like a car engine once it begins to act a certain way and it's not paid attention to it develops a fault and could even knock off and no longer work. But then funny enough that too happens to the brain it shuts than like a system just so it could cool off , but as humans we need our brains to work 24/7 .
And it's amazing how it happens that all you have to do Is just relax sometimes and get your body and soul refreshed for a new day activity.
So that what I did , since I couldn't afford a vacation to somewhere close to the beach and just blue sands and seas , I decided to take an intentional stroll in the clear day .

It made me think of this wonderful sights and I just decided to pull up my camera and just click.

The sky is so bright and the sun is just beautiful slapping on the skin and working it ways to my Melanin and giving it the glow i really love .
I edited the pictures and I hope you like them too.

Don't forget to take a Day out to clear your head and allow the breeze slaps out your stress , you don't need it everyday but then , you really don't also have to shut yourself out , once your body needs a reboot don't hesitate to go through with it .

Thank you for reading my publication .


The sky is so bright and the sun is just beautiful slapping on the skin and working it ways to my Melanin and giving it the glow i really love .

I think most would agree that the glow of your skin is something we all really love