The Rule Of The Battle I Was About To Play Gave Me The Hint: The Battle When Armorsmith Is Very Important

in Olio di Balena2 years ago

Good day all battlers, happy to hear the partnership program of splinterlands warner music group. I think it is the kind of partnership that will benefit music lovers, musicians and the splinterlanders.
Well! All is good news for me and I am happy to be among splinterlanders.

When I saw the rules of the battle I was about to play, this quickly gave me the hint of the monsters to be selected for the game. Seeing my opponent’s collection power before I selected the monsters, I knew he was a strong battler. This gave me the hint of my opponent and alerted me to clinically select monsters that could give me victory.
This is the reason I am going to talk about this monster today here. For me, armorsmith is among my monsters least used in battles, I don't normally use this monster and I don't always remember to use it. Hence, the chances of using this monster in battle is very slim compared to other monsters in the life splinter.

When I saw the rules and the manna, I realized I needed strong monsters with just 17 mana to make up my battle. Selecting a monster like sea monster simply means there would not be enough mana for me to select other monsters, therefore I came up with a way to pick monsters that are very strong.
Just want to say big thanks to chao legion, i was able to get some small cards that are very good. I often lose battles like this in most cases because I would only select 2 or three monsters. The addition of chao knight was a big support to my splinterlands journey.

Super Sneak: All the melee attack monsters have the sneak ability. Knowing this rule, I began to prepare to use shield ability from the first position and last position. Realizing the fact that from my battle collection, there were no magic monsters available for this battle gave me a chance to use one of my best defense monsters in the last position of the battle and used chao knight with just 4 health and four armor in the front position.
This super sneak rule made me understand that the most action area was the last position, that is the position that the battle would be very strong i.e all melee monsters except the one in the first position would attack from behind.

Rise Of The Commons: only common and rare monsters may be used in the battles.

click here to watch the battle. When I saw lorna shine as my opponent's favorite summoner to use against me in this battle, i thought i have lost the battle already because of divine shield ability placed upon all friendly monsters.


  • Chao Knight: the best moment to use the most matched monster. The shield ability and the melee was superb in this battle. Despite using the same chao knight as mine in the first position with level six, I was able to pull his monster down in no time without considering the giant killer and divine shield abilities.
    It wasn’t that easy because the moment the battle started, two of @umonkz monsters attacked my furious chicken in round one and eliminated it.
    My happiest moment was that, chao knight was not eliminated throughout the battle.


  • Armorsmith: mastering the best monsters that fit certain rules of the game is very important. @umonkzThis is the reason you see a player in level 5 summoner lose a battle against level 2.
    Armorsmith was wonderful in this battle healing the armor of the first and last monsters in my line which made it impossible for chao Knight to stay throughout the battle without being eliminated and silvershield paladin to remain to the end of the battle.
    By the virtue of my opponent summoner and monsters, he had 60% of winning the battle but my arrangement was so accurate.
    Armorsmith was behind my victory in this battle, if armorsmith was not in this battle, I would have lost the battle for good. Thus, armorsmith never stop repairing the damaged armors from the beginning of the battle to the end.


  • Sivershield Bard: the only thing that made me choose this monster was the mana. One mana was what enticed me to choose the monster, not the cleanse ability. Though the cleanse ability would have been an additional ability for me if there was any impurity. Though its attacking force was not that strong, it contributed to the victory.


  • Silvershield Paladin: with just a few minutes to choose monsters, i knew the functionality of silvershield paladin and how it could be used to maximum in this battle. Never considered the melee of this monster because the melee has nothing to offer.
    The only thing I needed was the shield ability, with this ability it was able to reduce damage done by melee monsters from the first round to the last round of the battle. The silvershield bard and furious chicken of my opponent could not have any impact on the silvershield paladin.


  • Furious Chicken: My plan for furious chicken was to delay the attack till something happened. It was eliminated in the first round of the battle.

In conclusion, @umonkz could have used a shield ability monster in the last position since it was a melee monster battle and the battle rule has already said ‘super sneak’ which simply means all melee monsters would attack from the behind except only the monster in the first position.
If my opponent used this strategy against me, he would have won the battle because most of my monsters only had one melee attack which would not even affect the shield ability monster if one was in the last position from @umonkz lineup.
Only my first monster would have been able to do damage and the rest of my monsters would have done nothing in this battle. The lack of shield ability from @umonkz gave me access to damage from the last position.

This armorsmith made me understand that as splinterlands is concerned, no monster is useless, all monsters have certain rules that make them indispensable.
Armor is good and wonderful in curtain rules; this battle showed how armorsmith was indispensable in this battle.

To play splinterlands here is my referral link

All the pictures in this blog are gotten from splinterlands.

Thank you for visiting my blog


Good day all battlers, happy to hear the partnership program of splinterlands warner music group. I think it is the kind of partnership that will benefit music lovers, musicians and the splinterlanders.

Hey @hive-world, where can I read more about this?
Your post talks more about the game.
Thank you 😊

you can also register by clicking the referral link in the post

I've visited @splinterlands page and I read the post by the WMG x Splinterlands...
How does this benefit Hive musicians please? Plus what am I using the link to register for?

Kindly help clarify as these posts are not clear enough.
Thank you

I think you are interested in the game, but if you are not interested in it don't need to register.
I think you need to visit @splinterlands blog where you can get more information.

Oh I see.
Okay then.

Thank you 😊

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