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RE: Some thoughts on AI-generated posts published on Hive

The contemporary world is more and more divided and radical.
I think the whales on HIVE, who in the realm of DPoS set and define the unspoken and unwritten rules, will not agree whether AI generated content should be allowed or not. Another war is coming, if not started already.

Personally, I think original content and exclusive posts should be the top and hot content on HIVE but that's not the case as it is more important who people bow down to...



@claudio83! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lightcaptured. (5/5)

my opinion transcends Hive. Having a computer write posts really means that our existence is now at the end. We are no longer useful for creativity, the only skill that now distinguishes us from machines

True! Now we have be creative in new ways, impossible to the machines ;)