Sólo para compartir /Just to share

in Olio di Balena3 years ago

Tomé esta foto con mucha precaución, el camuflaje es lo que más hago cuando salgo a hacer ejercicio, supongo que el dueño de esta belleza no estará feliz de ver a alguien tomando una foto de su vehículo.

I took this photo with great caution, camouflage is what I do the most when I go out to exercise, I guess the owner of this beauty will not be happy to see someone taking a photo of their vehicle.

La vida es más difícil para unos que para otros, estas personas se ganan la vida recolectando reciclaje en las calles.

Life is more difficult for some than for others, these people earn their living collecting recycling on the streets.

Este gato esta muy concentrado, le llamo la atención y me ignora, bueno hay algo mas importante que yo.

This cat is very concentrated, I call his attention and he ignores me, well there is something more important than me .

Otro gato, le llamo la atención y me mira con cara de pocos amigos, parece una fiera, pero es un lindo gatito :)

Another cat, I call his attention and he looks at me with the face of few friends, it looks like a beast, but it is a cat :)

Me mira con sospecha ja ja ja ja, cálmate, soy un hombre honesto.

He looks at me with suspicion ha ha ha ha, calm down, I'm an honest man .

Ahora los gatos reciben el sol en las calles, tienes unos ojos bonitos, gracias por posar para mí, debe ser hembra :)

Now the cats receive the sun in the streets, you have beautiful eyes, thank you for posing for me, it must be female :)

Feliz día.

Happy day


with this post you made me remember how many things my parents did to make me find myself in a situation that today we could almost define "lucky"

take good care of your parents, I repeat, they are the greatest treasure that GOD gives us, my father and mother died too, but I miss my mother too much, life goes on is what they say, but it is not that simple.

I am very sorry that you lost both parents, it must be terrible. I'm here to virtually support you.