in Olio di Balena2 years ago

Hello Splinterland warriors!

Another week of Battle challenge with another monster from the Dragon family and here i am participating in this challenge which is hosted by the Splinterlands team thanks Always for the great support and arranging these challenges for us on weekly basis.



Edition: ANY
Rarity: ANY
Element: DRAGON + ANY

Well, the challenge theme is to pick a monster from the dragon family with no specific rules so i will go for the reward card which is a dragon monster from the beta edition time Named MANTICORE an epic dragon unit.

Another product of the twisted genetic experiments of the Gloridax is on the loose. The hybrid monster known as the Manticore is a cross between a Dragon, a Lion, a scorpion, and countless other monstrosities from which it draws its powers.MANTICORE




In the battle lineup, i will explain each card one by one that I used in the specific position for this lineup so in this battle you can see the opponent sadlove he used a magic summoner while you can see the my lineup click on the link to watch the battle.


As I do not have the upgraded version of life splinter I have a level 4 Daria in which I can use the life splinter with upgraded cards like I used in this battle where you can see the battle line up and positioning of cards and you will know about the summoner ability which works same as the Beta fire summoner but it cost 4 mana cap and this one is also a reward card that I did not get from the rewards because of late joining.

Well, the theme for this week's battle challenge is a dragon so Daria is one of the perfect lady for this battle to use other dragon monsters in this battle which i used especially for this week's battle challenge post.


In the first position, i used a common water monster from the alpha and beta edition in gold foil at level 4 where it can give you the thorn ability to give extra damage to the attacker while it will also do a melee attack on its target especially in the first position while you can use this card in the last position also in a ruleset where melee monsters can attack from any position and all melee monster have sneak ability so this card is a beast in the last position to give extra damage to the attack with its thorn.

In the second position, I went for the main monster of this week's battle challenge which is an epic card from the reward edition in the time of beta edition but i did not get this card from the quest rewards that much only two or three then it is out of print but luckily i bought it from the market with cheap rate roundabout at 3 USD or 2 USD investment but now it's worth more which multiplies my investment and can easily give me a nice profit. However, this card has some cool abilities reach, flying, and thorn so you can use this card from the 2nd position for good performance.

Here in the third position i used the opportunist card from the untamed edition which belongs to the water family and cost 4 mana cap that you can use in the little league ruleset this ruleset was also a little league where i used only 4 mana monsters so this card is also great for the opportunity to find the target with the lowest health and finish that monsters with its awesome melee attack that will find its target from the backline position.

In the backline position, i went for this card to use it in the backline for a specific purpose to reduce the ranged attack from the enemy team but unfortunately, they did not use the ranged attack monsters on the battlefield but still work great because of the shatter which can destroy all the armor of enemy monsters in a single shot.

in the 2nd last position, i used this rare card from the untamed edition which is a great neutral monster with protecting ability that will give you two armor to all of your friendly monsters to protect all of your other friendly team from early death or from earthquake for some time.

Here is one more reward card from the dragon family which is a strong ranged attack monster with enough speed and doge ability at max level along with flying ability that you can use in the earthquake ruleset to stay for a long time and fight for your victory.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali


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