in Olio di Balena8 months ago

Hello Splinterland Warriors!

Here we go for another week of Battle challenges with a New Ruleset of which WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU means ENRAGE ability which means that all monsters will get this ability when it gets damaged the monsters will get Enrage and their stats will be increased including speed, damage you can check out the battle below.





In the battle lineup, I will explain all the cards used in this battle with a given ruleset of Enrage or What doesn't kill you so the bot loses this battle but i will share it because of the Ruleset as i have another Battle which i won but there the bot used only 3 monsters so the post will not be that much lengthy so let's explain the monsters one by one.


Be not distracted by cuteness and fluff,
Byzantine Kitty is cuddly but tough,
If you dare to think a kitty is merely a pet,
You haven’t faced kitty in battle just yet.Kitty



In the First position, the bot used a legendary monster URIEL THE PURIFIER from the Life Splinter with a Recharge ability this monster works fine in the first position because of its enough health and armor and also has a great melee attack which gives double Damage after the Recharge ability. I am going to level up this card in my main account as i need one more BCX to make this card level 2.

In the second position, an epic monster used here as we know that the Summoner used in this battle was Dragon so here the bot picked up one monster from the Dragon family which is also for the first position with a melee attack and thorn ability which has enough armor, health and a strong melee attack also it has the enrage ability at level 4 but here the enrage is already available because of the ruleset which worked well but the snipe ability from the enemy team did wrong with my friendly monsters.

In the 3rd place, a rare monster from the rewards edition was used with the sneak ability which gives a double Strike attack to the last enemy monsters after the taunt if the enemy used the Taunt ability monster then this will target the taunt ability monster otherwise it will go for the last enemy monster to weaken the backline enemy team so this one did well but unfortunately i lose this battle.

In the next position, i used another epic monster from the rewards edition with the magic attack that strengthened the friendly team monsters and also has the Triage ability to give healing to the friendly team monsters in the backline position but at level 1 it gives only one ability to give one health to all friendly monsters and it worked well also.

Another epic used here for the blast ability to give extra damage in the form of the Blast ability with a strong ranged attack as this one is from the Chaos legion edition which works fine in the life Summoner of Chaos legion edition that adds +1 ranged attack to all friendly ranged attack monsters but here the bot used this in the Dragon Summoner with a True Strike that never miss its attack.

In the last position, a legendary monster used from the Soulbound Edition to diverge the attention of all Enemy monsters towards this taunt ability monster which worked well and stayed for some because of its voidability which gets low damage from the Magic monsters but died because of the Gladius Snipe ability monster with high magic and because of the ranged attack monster. However, i was winning this battle but because of one Gladius monster used by the Enemy team i lose this battle by the way nice lineup used by bot.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali


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