in Olio di Balena2 years ago

Hello Splinterland warriors!

How are you all guys hope you will be blessed and fine here is another post about the Splinterlands game in which i will be sharing the two days quest rewards with two epic cards that i got from it.



When it comes to Epic Reward cards all of them are awesome with good abilities some take less mana and some occupy high mana like this card including the Fire, and Dragon Chawla card but the most incredible card is the neutral epic monster which cost 3 mana cap and belongs to the neutral family that can be used in all the splinters. Here is the life epic card with a magic attack and increasing one life to all friendly monsters but costing 7 mana Cap in the battlefield which is high mana equal to a legendary untamed summoner that cost 7 mana too. The abilities in this card are good, especially the triage ability which will be unlocked at level 4 and i have 12 BCX of this card needs 8 more to upgrade it to level 4.



Yesterday the quest was retrieved so lately so i did not share the quest rewards from which i got one epic card of dragon splinter and some common cards too including 197 DEC tokens. However, the DEC price is decreasing day by day with respect to hive price which is also down and below $1 but to be honest, still, the price of the hive is in good movement no one knows when will it jump again i am saving some hive in liquid and will sell them when the price crossed the $2 again.


Well, i played some battles today to cross the 2800 rating but it was not possible and i gave up with a 2750+ rating because i faced max-level players so crossing the bridge from gold to diamond is not possible but will try tomorrow to reach there. However, the cards from today's quest rewards are here which include one epic and one rare that one is already at level 4 with 3 magic attacks in the beta water summoner while the common monster is at level 5 and the next target is level 6 to increase its speed.

Well, it is enough for today i have 11 battles remaining that i participated in the silver league tournament to win some SPS from this tournament which will not be easy but at least i can easily get some extra SPS additionally what i paid off for the fee stay blessed all and have a good day.

All images and animations are from the Splinterlands blogs and website

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Best Regards @moeenali


Awesome SL post !1UP


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I usually pair djinn renova in 2nd position with venari crystalsmith. The djinn heals the backline healer and can become a potent off tank with its massive hp pool.

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