in Olio di Balena9 months ago

Hello Splinterland Players!

Hope everyone is okay and blessed today I will share the focus rewards along with two packs opening which and a card from the fire Splinter with epic rarity which i got from the packs opening.


Well, it has been a long time since I bought a pack nor I got from the Focus or season_end rewards so I got two packs from the daily Focus rewards of Gold Wild League and got this epic which reminds me of the day when I bought it from the market for playing and still owns that BCX while now I have a total of 3 BCX including this and needs one more or will transfer the extra BCX from my alt to make this card level 2 but only the speed of this card will be increase.



The first pack result is here and i got one epic card of the Fire Splinter which is nothing but still i will hold it in my collection which works fine or will place it for rent to earn some DEC for me while the rest of the 4 cards are already upgraded to level 6, 5 and level 3 while i calculated the price of both chaos legion pack and then compared it with the DEC price it was equal to 3k DEC and 8 hives so i did not sell it because sometimes the luck gives you worthy cards from the pack like i got before two GFL from untamed edition and still holding both cards.


The 2nd pack opening result is not good and got only 1 rare and 4 common cards all the cards are in my collection also the rare one is upgraded to level 4 in my collection which i am using in my battles but i am planning to sell the single and extra BCX cards from all edition and will hold the upgraded version only in the upcoming land to play with upgraded cards and rest of the cards i will sell to earn some DEC or upgrade the cards which i will hold till last.



Well, i made only 4 loot chests in the gold wild league because of slow internet i stopped playing and claimed the rewards where i got two common Gold BCX from the death Splinter that i will upgrade to level 6 in gold foil needs 2 more BCX for level 6 and got one chaos legion pack and the 2nd chaos legion pack i got from yesterday rewards which i did not snapped and that one i got from the same league and almost same number of loot chests in the gold wild league while only 1 day and few hours left in the current season then i will move to wild league to make high loot chests in the wild league.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali


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