in Olio di Balenalast year

Hello Splinterland warriors!

How are you all guys hope you will be blessed and fine. In today's post, I will be sharing a common card from the water splinter from the Soulbound Rewards edition with its repairing ability.


Swamp spitters hail from Skegmire, located on the Wraitholme River in the Fenmoor Basin of Praetoria’s Shimmering Coasts.read more

Here is another reward card from the SoulBound edition which is from the water splinter with its repairing ability but costing high mana it is not a good card as i do not think that player will use this card just for restoring the armor of friendly monsters but there some other monsters like the chaos legion edition 3 mana monster which has to repair ability along with healing so players will be using that one instead of this. However, using this card in the ranged attack rulesets will be enough good to repair the broken armor in battle otherwise using this card is not that much good in your battles.



There are only two abilities in this card the first one is a repairing ability while the 2nd one is a giant killer which will be helpful for killing high mana monsters if you are using this in your battles in a specific ruleset. However, upgrading this card to the next level can give you some STATS at level 1 you are getting 2 range attack with repair ability while at level 2 all the stats are the same but the armor gets increased so at level 4 ranged attack get increased from 2 to 3 with enough life, armor and this ability.



To be honest the rewards are not worth sharing as i tried a lot to win battles and reach back to the gold league but as you have seen the rewards of the gold league yesterday which are not good and yesterday i did not hit the gold league back so today's rewards are from the silver league which is trash as i lose lots of battles in the silver league and drained my Capture rate from 85 to 55% and finally reach back to the gold league but i know at the start of the new season no one will let you win so i decided to enabled renting back and earn some DEC from it because of getting this type of rewards that you can see in 10 loot chests i got only 2 BCX of single monster and rest of the BCX are trash that you can see in the snap same the rewards from my alt are trash.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali