in Olio di Balenalast year

Hello Splinterland warriors!

How are you all guys hope you will be blessed and fine. In today's post, I will be sharing a rare life monster from the Soulbound edition with a range attack and shatter ability.


Most pegasi prefer solitude and shy away from others. Rare is it to befriend one, and rarer still is the pegasus that allows a rider upon its back.Read more about this card

So here you can see this rare card from the Soulbound edition which you can get from the focus or season-end rewards but the circulation supply is less compared to other rare cards because of its nice abilities that you can use this card as a range attack monsters and for the new chaos legion summoner from life splinter this will be a beast when it gets +1 range attack from the summoner and has the shatter ability that will destroy all armor of enemy monster in a single hit.



Well, this card is for the chaos legion life summoner which has great speed at level 2 which i upgraded to level 2, and has some cool abilities that you can get from the scratch level when you get it from the focus or season-end rewards but if you want to get more abilities or benefit from this card then you will need to upgrade this card as i got 5 BCX and convert this to level 2 where i got 4x speed now and the next level will give me one health then at level 4 i will get the +1 range which will be the final level of this card for me because i have level 5 summoner so i can use only level 5 cards of the rare family but better to upgrade this to level 4 for high range with speed, life, and flying shatter abilities.



Another day of claiming the focus rewards as it was a little bit hard for me because i faced some giant players and lose lots of battles and down to silver league then i tried to go back to gold after completing the focus time but the silver league players are very clever and i did not win any battle even in the silver league so the next rewards will be from the silver focus and may not be good like this today i got 5 summoners from the fire splinter which i am going to upgrade to level 3 soon.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali