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RE: 13-11-2022 - Let's have a look at GALA [EN]-[IT]

I was able to participate when town star first came out.
The game seemed pretty fun at first but after a few days it was too much work and consumed too much time to play and their initial products for the game to me definietly seemed over priced.

It seemed difficult to navigate through and understand their layout with their procucts at the time, although going to look at the game just now I see it is easier to read through and has been fixed to a more comprehensive layout.

Maybe if this bear market ends the game will do better.

I feel also though the game created a large gap between new players and established players in such a manner to make it extremely expensive and time consuming to bother playing for any competitive reason.

Unlike spinterlands where you can compete in various tiers against people, Townstar appears to be a constant world wide event in which your competing against all participating establishments that are able to continuely stack the chips in their favour based on how much they have accumilated and or spent when the game was first taking off.

So being able to compete and grow the resources at the same rate is not anywhere near an even playing field and I think it seems their is no intention to create a newbie/starter worlds or any kind of tier structure to support future onboarding
and that is kinda where i see it failing and where I seen it in my own self to lose interest


I found your comments very interesting. Thanks for this wonderful comment. I like Townstar and it still entertains me, but it's true that I'm not a beginner, so those who start now could make the effort you say. However, one of the nice things about Townstar is that you can try it without an initial expense