She's still here! 🐺🤍🌈

in Olio di Balena11 months ago

When I open my eyes in the morning, the first image I see is this sweet face. He sleeps with me, wakes up with me. We eat and travel together. There is a creature that breathes with me in every moment of life and he has such a beautiful face that sometimes I get emotional and cry when I look at him. I don't know, all mothers think their children are beautiful, and I think my dog looks like that to me. Every state, every movement is so sweet! I overreact and get happy even when he makes a move.


All pet owners will understand me very well. You know when you lock eyes and stare at each other for a long time and then you think that one day our paths will part, your heart hurts and suddenly you find yourself crying. I wish animals had longer lives. I wish they could live with us as long as we live and leave this world with us. Sometimes I regret adopting my dog because even the thought of parting with him makes me very sad. But I love him so much that even though I know that one day he will leave and I will be subjected to unbearable pain, I say that the time I spend with him is worth everything. I feel alive when I am with him. I have experienced the purest and unrequited form of the concepts of loving and being loved only with him.



I think I am a little too emotional for this world!


I walk that fine line between being sensitive and being emotional and there are days when I find it hard to handle the cruel aspects of the world. My most sensitive side is my love and devotion to my dog. For now, I choose to live in the moment and enjoy the happiness of the present. I often stop and look into her eyes and say, "She is still here!" I am happy that she is still here and with me. As I write this, she is right next to me on my right side, looking into my eyes. I seal this moment with this writing and thank you for this moment. I love you so much, my little girl!