
Oh, interesting! Well, it does give me a way to extract them, and maybe I can swap them for SPS on BSC and get them into Hive that way. If I understand the steps, then...

  1. I add XTM to BSC on MetaMask
  2. I send you that token address
  3. I send you unicorns and lambos for 800 XTM
  4. You send 800 XTM to my Metamask XTM BSC address
    Is that what you are thinking, too?

This is kind of exciting!

 2 years ago  

Exactly once I have received the XTMs I will send them to you!

Woohoo! Can we try a test?
Here is my XTM address, in BSC:

I will send a Smol Clap to see if you get it, ok?

 2 years ago  

Currently the BSC gives it to me disabled :(

I do not know what to do. I am clicking at the BSCscan site and it looks like the contract is accurate, and I think my address is accurate too. I do not know what is wrong, and so I also do not know how to fix it. Do you have ideas?