in Olio di Balena3 years ago
Authored by @zottone444

Hello all friends of the PGM community, we would like to warn all users with this post to warn them that the !PGM command is giving us problems, we will let you know as soon as possible if these problems are resolved.

Thank you for your attention and sorry for the disturbance that has been and is being created by this event.

The PGM team

Ciao a tutti gli amici della comunità PGM, vorremmo avvertire tutti gli utenti con questo post per avvisarli che il comando !PGM ci sta dando problemi, vi faremo sapere al più presto se questi problemi saranno risolti.

Vi ringraziamo per l'attenzione e ci scusiamo per il disturbo che è stato e viene creato da questo evento.

Il team PGM

 3 years ago (edited) 

!PGM (test) !PIZZA


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@savvyplayer(16/18) tipped @zottonetoken (x1)
zottone444 tipped zottonetoken (x1)

Join us in Discord!

That explains why I am not receiving PGM bot notifications whenever I use the !PGM command! 😅

Many of us probably see that there was some problems with PGM comand. No problem, we can wait until it is fixes!

I found nasty month-old leftover mac and cheese in the fridge.
It was a case of age-related macaroni degeneration.

@zottonetoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @stewie.wieno
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)

 3 years ago  


zottone444 sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @zottonetoken

remaining commands 9

Buy 100 PGM token to send 0.3 PGM tokens per day


Discord image.png

 3 years ago  


zottone444 sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @zottonetoken

remaining commands 9

Buy 100 PGM token to send 0.3 PGM tokens per day


Discord image.png