FiveW-Wednesday (What)- Photo Games, Season 3, Week 1

in PhotoGames3 years ago

What is the light colored thing mid frame?

About the photo

This location was full of wonder for me. With the red rock in the foreground and the snow capped mountains in the background I was amazed at the beauty. I wondered about the light colored thing out there and thought this would be great for "What is it Wednesday!"



  1. For this FiveWs-Wednesday I would like you to guess WHAT is in the photo.
  2. Only one guess per person, per post.
  3. No editing your guess - you have to commit!
  4. For this game you have until Friday at 6PM EST / 11PM UTC)
  5. Scoring: Is done using Hive Tips on your responses.
    My scoring will be:
    The first person to guess what it is will receive a 10 HIVE TIP.
    The person that describes what it is and helps me understand why it is here and it's utility will receive a 15 HIVE TIP
  6. @jarvie can not play this game since he took me here!



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Do you mean that lake?

A welcoming drink for the UFOs when they land on earth, if you want an alternative answer 🙃

Ha ha nice!

It is solar evaporation ponds at the potash mine

 3 years ago  

great resource with cool pictures.

Thanks for the quick reply @wnfdiary

Wow that was very quick. Have you been to Dead Horse State Park?


Nope not yet. But who knows maybe one day :)

I love this place, Dead Horse Point, Utah! And yes, Veritasium just did a video on those Potash ponds:

Awesome video and explanation. I learned so much. Thank you.


Oh, yay, awesome, you're welcome and thank you! 😄

Yes. I thought you would recognize it. It is such a cool place. Loved the video. Thanks!!

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well as i had to search to find out what is @wnfdiary talking about i learned something new :D
Potash is potassium chloride and it is used as fertilizer. Water from the Colorado River is pumped deep underground to reach the point where potash is located. Water dissolves Potash and is then pumped up to those artificial ponds. Then they leave it so water would evaporate and they are left with crystalized Potash. Process takes almost a year and ponds is dyed bright blue so it absorb more sunlight and evaporate faster.

learning about mining in photography contest :D

Thank you, captain!

I am all about learning!

@hi bil.prag would you be interested in being a photo star next week?

yah jarvie said that week 2 would be ok. sure, i will see to make drafts.

great. we'll get you added the the chat for week 2 and get you the information.


I sent a friend request from Photogames

Thank you for your explanation. Next time I think I will make some discretionary Tip money. I would have given you some.

i had no idea that this even existed :D so just sharing what i just learned :D

I was going to make a poor guess that its a military outpost or something but @wnfdiary seems pretty confident in their guess so I'm guessing that they're right. Lol

Thanks for your guess!

Wao, it's a huge potash mine! Thank you for sharing something new. I think @wnfdiary right 😄

Hi @Babeltrips do you have potash mines in Vietnam? This was the first time I had heard of them and seen one.

That's a massive mine! According to what I know we don't have it but our neighbor country, Lao has 🤗

yes, did you watch the video from @derekkind? It showed the mines so well!

Oh I missed it, can you share me a link? 😍

He commented right above you in my post with a link to a great Youtube video

Ahhh, sorry, I am using a phone to access on ecency and didn't see full comments 🙈thank you, I will check later with my laptop.

Nothing more to guess but the answers are really educational :)

I agree, I have learned so much too!