Trying Macro Photography with Some Vegetables and Fruits

in Liketu2 years ago


My Introduction

My name is Aimee Tariq, I live in Manila in Philippines and I am 23 years old. I graduated from the College of Business Administration and I live in my home with two sisters, one of whom is 5 years younger and the other is in high school.

I live with my father and mother who work in a small vegetable shop and we live a very simple life but I am very proud and pleased with it as we are better than many others.

In fact, I ran into a little reality when I was studying business administration at the university, but when I entered the labor market, I was surprised that we only study words and terms away from reality or commerce, and so on.

So when I read about cryptocurrencies and bitcoin two years ago, I found that there is another world in which I can trade and apply the terms I learned in college and that I can also earn extra income from working online.

I have joined Hive about 4 months ago and I try to participate in different communities here, now I want to try my luck with photography and since I do not meet good scenes everyday so I have choose macro photography where you can make good shots with simple things in your home.

I have tried to take some shots with tomato and lemon and I have used simple tools as a beginning and now I need your opinion should I continue in my way or I am so bad :( , If you found these are good I will buy some lights and buy or made a white box and start my photo editing course on YouTube .

Thank You and Have a nice day

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I think that's a good start.

Thank You ❣️☺️

Good subject to practice on. Try different types of lighting if you can or lighting from different directions to see what you get. Its good to try many different things to see where your creativity can take you.

Thank you for these tips
I will try them

Hey welcome to liketu!

Just so you know, you don't have to make photography posts. Good pictures are of course well received and they tend to make a lot more impact on social settings but people, experiences and how they fit together with context is usually what interests me so I'll just mention that.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm really quite a novice when it comes to actual photography. I've watched a lot of videos, read a lot of tutorials, taken probably tens of thousands of pictures, but there's a lot to it, and I think the "art" has been some what diluted and under appreciated as camera phones become more accommodating to your would be "photographer"

Thank you for your words ya it is an art and it can be good from many views, I have just made some edits on the first photo by background isolation and some shadows and It gave me another impression, It is an art .

Welcome to liketu, wish you have fun on here.
People is funny enough and enthusiasm. You will find out how great this community is in short time

Yay! 🤗
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