Tiya Nen's Food Hub : Balbacua at Tuwalya Kare-Kare

in Liketu2 years ago


The final product of my mom's cooking, one of her specialties the "Balbacua at Tuwalya Kare-Kare"

This kare-kare recipe makes use of beef tripe. This part of the cow is also known as “tuwalya ng baka” in Filipino. It is the muscle wall in the stomach of the cow. Kare Kare is a type of Filipino stew with a rich and thick peanut sauce. It is a popular dish in the Philippines served during special occasions. The traditional recipe is composed of ox tail. There are instances wherein both ox tripe and tail are used. The vegetable components of the dish are string beans, eggplant, bok choy, and banana blossoms. Lightly browned toasted ground rice is used to thicken the sauce. (https://panlasangpinoy.com/kare-kare-recipe/)

Subscribe to her youtube and facebook channel to watch and learn about the recipe and process of her delicious home cooking!

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqcSmVAuV9WXJosG8-cq6rg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiyanensfoodhub/

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