Yoshi wants to show off some new colors

in Liketu2 years ago


The weather here does not know what it wants to do. Some days it is in the mid 70s and then the next day it is in the lower 30s and snowing again. But when the weather is nice enough, Yoshi gets to go out and play in the sun. The weather today is perfect and he loved it outside.

He loves it out in the sun so much that he has some new colors. Whenever I get him outside in the sun, he goes from darker colors to a bright white with many different spots. The newest spots are some bright oranges.

When I go to the pet store to get him more crickets every few days, I like to check out the other chameleons that they have, and I have been tempted to get another species of chameleon because they all look so different from each other. But then that would mean I would need to get another enclosure and all new stuff for that cage as well because chameleons are pretty territorial when it comes to their living spaces and they do not do well with another chameleon living with them.

The rest of the week looks like nice weather up until Friday where we will be getting some rain. Yoshi is going to be pretty happy once the weather is more stable and he can get outside a lot more often. I may even get him a cage that I can set outside and let him just soak up sunshine for a couple hours each day since it is extremely healthy for them to get vitamins naturally from the sun.

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I sent you a pic in discord of the latest rescue.
These little guys are worth protecting!
Sadly many African cultures believe that they are a bad omen, one that brings riding of death from the underworld. They believe that they can see into the past and the future, into life and into death. Because of this, they are often killed on site.
Mechanization on farms also plays a role in their dwindling numbers...

That little one is so awesome looking. Thank you for saving him. They are such fascinating creatures.

Amazing . OMG this picture was so nice .

I only knew that chameleons take the color of the objects they are on, but this vety species doesn't seem to do that, does it? In the photos I see that its color is different than that of its surrounding area. Or perhaps they are taking diffeent color in different stripes of its body.

It is quite beautiful, anyways

I admire your courage. Since you will like this little animal, I'm afraid to see it.

Ohoho I love so much this pic

Beautiful and looks scared!!!!

Amazing 🤩

Chameleon are wonderful creature that can adapt to any environment by changing its color to suit.

This ability is a super power.

Thanks for sharing.


They are fascinating little creatures.

Wow what a beauty! I love those eyes, no I love the whole Yoshi with his colors and textures! Tanks for sharing !LUV

Thank you for stopping by

Wow, great post and yoshi need a fan page. Love to see this beautiful creature.

lol. It would be cool for Yoshi to have his own page, but I think it will be fine to just post about him every now and then from my profile. Thanks for stopping by.

Welcome and following - Yoshi Rocks.

I am speechless with this ones 😍

Yoshi is perfect.

He is pretty cool

What is he beautiful and he grew so much @derangedvisions
He looks like he enjoyed it truly 😊

Thanks. He loves his outdoor adventure time.

It so shows he loves it.

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