vacation with college friends

in Liketu2 years ago


hello all, yesterday after finishing the exams on campus, my friends and I went on vacation to the port at Lake Lut Tawar in Takengon. we went eight people including 3 girls and 5 boys, we departed from lhokseumawe at 3 pm, oh yeah!! btw lhokseumawe where I live as well as the location of our campus. continue the story.... at 3 pm we went to takengon using a private car, which is where the distance from lhokseumawe to takengon takes about 2-3 hours, we got there at 5:30 pm and stopped at the takengon grand mosque which is located at downtown for the morning prayer.
After the dawn prayer we continued our journey to a friend's house whose house was not far from the mosque we stopped earlier. Arriving at his house we were immediately greeted with coffee that had been made by his mother, the cold atmosphere of Takegon City coupled with a warm cup of coffee made us very energetic,after breakfast the clock showed 8:30 we left for the pier in fresh sea, there the atmosphere was very cold even though the sun was out, my friends and I did not forget to capture that beautiful moment so that one day we have memories of our youth and can show the picture to our children in the future.
finished from the pier we returned to a friend's house earlier to rest for a while and have lunch there, at 3 pm we left for the next tour of patan terong which is located far up the hill where there we can enjoy the sunset and see the whole city of takengon from patan terong, again the weather which is not friendly where the fog starts to fall and it doesn't drizzle too long there we go back home because the weather is not friendly.

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Happy vacation

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