Economy of Pakistan

in Liketulast year (edited)



Hi hive and liktu friends.
Today I will share with you the economic condition of Pakistan. At this time, the situation in Pakistan has become that it has become very difficult to eat bread twice a day because everything has become so expensive that neither a person can cook at home nor carry it from the outside. Today, the price of gold in Pakistan has reached two lakh rupees.

Two years ago, the price of gold in Pakistan was 40 thousand rupees. It is a custom here in Pakistan that if anyone gets married, they must buy gold for marriage. And here in Pakistan there are no jobs at all, so people go out every day after studying to find a job. At present, the Non-League government is here and some time ago,

the Non-League called one of its employee here from London and made him the Finance Minister. Ishaq Dar Sahib is the finance minister of Pakistan at the time and when he came from London, he did not make the first statement that I will show the rate of the dollar and in the last three days the rate of the dollar has increased by more than thirty-two Pakistani rupees. has gone due to which everything will become more expensive in the coming days. Today,

when I went to buy chicken for home, the rate of chicken was 500. Two or three months ago, the same chicken used to cost two hundred rupees per kilometer in Pakistan. As soon as the petrol is credited here after fifteen days, it is heard that thirty rupees will be increased. Due to such situations, when people have nothing to eat, people will steal and they have no other solution.

Whichever government comes first, it makes big promises, but when it comes to government, it does not fulfill even a single promise The current situation of Pakistan is only Allah can save Pakistan. These rulers have completely destroyed Pakistan by filling their pockets, now it is feared that Pakistan will be default in the coming days.

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