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RE: Liketu Moments 2023-07-20 12:32

in Liketu11 months ago


I remember this time of my life vividly. I was struggling with finding my identity. Some of it was because I wasn't particularly good at Football, and that seemed to define the popular boys.

I was good at studies, but being a straight A student wasn't, as it turned out, something other students cared much about for popularity points.

I found some salvation in music, and my music teacher was very supportive of me and my piano. She was a remarkable person and helped me find myself during a time I was very much lost.

I'm sad to hear that she has passed away.

I'll always remember her fondly and the time she gave to me to help me become who I am today.

Goodbye Mrs. Williamson.

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Said to know someone of great impact on your life has passed away. May she rest in peace.

Indeed, I hope she lived as a fulfilling life as all the people she helped fulfil their own lives.

It is always sad when someone important in our life passes away.

She was like an angel that life put in your path and supported you in what you were good at and helped you find yourself, not all of us have been that lucky....

My condolences.

I will admit i haven't seen her in over a decade, but was very emotional to hear the news. Many of my then classmates were the same.

It doesn't matter how long you haven't seen it, but the meaning it has in your life.

That's life, at some point we will be gone. Maybe we will see again those who went before us.

Have a nice day or a nice night! 😉

I am sure that in the place where she is, she also remembers you with great affection, in that astral plane all the love that we offer so that through our help other people can overcome their fears are transformed into light and energy. His mission to do good continues, but in the heavenly portal.
I send you a big hug!

She'll be an angel for sure. I always thought she was a human angel anyway!❤️

If it is shocking to know that someone of great interest in your life has left, what beautiful memories you have of her!

Although he is no longer physically present, his legacy will always be with you, every note your hands can utter will pronounce his name.

oh so sorry that a loved one has passed away!