My collection of Cryptos Caps

in Liketulast month


Hello liketulovers!

Today has been a quiet Sunday, recovering energy and watching some episodes of pending series and a movie I've been wanting to see for a while, so soon there will be a review.

And while having a coffee in the afternoon with a cookie I realized that I didn't have anything ready to post today on my blog. And that's when I looked at the place where I have my caps and noticed that I have several cryptos caps.

I obviously have a Hive cap, my favorite. I also have a BCH cap that was given to me as a gift some time ago and my most recent crypto cap is the Solana cap that I won in a raffle at a meetup that took place recently in my city.

After taking these pictures of my crypto caps, I said to myself: "I need a Bitcoin cap " so I'm going to give myself one, hopefully soon.

What crypto hats do I need besides bitcoin?

Do you have a crypto cap?

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Wow you have a lot of very interesting hats they all look very familiar

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