It sounded promising but it was a disaster

in Liketu2 years ago (edited)


Those pictures are from one of my first shootings that was taken with a digital camera. My career in photography started in the analog era and as I have said before, the transition was quite traumatic for myself. I loved my analog, medium format Hasselblad and I was considering everything digital as fancy garbage. I refused to accept the fact that analog photography was about to extinct and when I did, my business was practically extinct too :) I am not regretting anything, actually I am glad things went that way and gave me the opportunity to change my life drastically and as I see it now, for the better! I wanted though to give you the background story of this shooting!
The date was March 23, 2005 and the camera a Canon EOS20D. I had in my disposal an amazing car, a beautiful girl as a model and a stylist that was carrying a bunch of staff. It sounded promising but it was a disaster :)
At the end of the day I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Everyone at the team was at each other's throats and I hated that silly little camera that I was using all day long! I never saw the stylist or the model again but I do have a few pictures that you might find interesting.
The concept was that the girl is going for shopping with her amazing car and I was about to illustrate this wonderful day. I was assigned by a magazine I was working for and the big sponsor of the whole production was (as you can imagine) Volvo.
The editing is new and hopefully better than the original one :)
The reason that I remembered this old story today, is no other than @derangedvisions's weekly photography contest and the theme this week is "cars". I am sure you'll have at least one cool car shot to enter too :)

All the pictures and the words are mine.
Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.
Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot :)

Ψαρωσα με την χλιδή, λεω ρε φίλε Luis Vinton και Volvo, σε εχω για πιο χαλαρο τυπο... Η επεξήγηση ηταν λυτρωτική, χαχα!

Χαχα, όχι ρε φίλε, volvo οδηγάω μόνο για δουλειά :)
Ελπίζω να πέρασες καλά το σ/κ!


i can understand the feeling of going from Hasselblad to EOS20D :D

but also it does shows that even those old dslr's were not that bad

Yes, in normal lighting conditions they are not bad, you know that from your EOS 5D. It is at low light and the abyssal dynamic range that makes the difference :)

yap they needed some time to get to a decent low light performances.