
in Liketu4 months ago


When I am feeling a little down I usually go to this place which is close to the city center but is actually a sea inlet and is surrounded by trees. Usually I can see turtles, squirrels, all types of birds, iguanas, crabs, I even saw a ghost once. No kidding, I was sitting on a bench right by the water and all of a sudden this woman just appeared out of nowhere a few feet from me and just kept walking, I never saw her face but I did get goosebumps. It also could have been someone who walked out of the water which is not so deep, but she wasn't wet.

Anyway today I felt like going there as the place is cool and you can enjoy the shadows given by trees. the first bird I tried to photograph was a black heron but it flew away real fast. Then this white heron also flew away but landed on the other side of the water so with magnification I was able to take this picture, It does look kind of funny but that is just the way it came out.


I was thinking I would get no more pictures when this guy showed up, I mean man, this is a buzzard, zopilote as we call them. they always show up in flocks and wherever they are there is always a funny smell. But this guy was alone, showed absolutely no fear and even walked close to me. I wonder if I was throwing a smell around myself. But really, I think this is the closest I have ever been to one of these birds. And it is certainly the clearest photo I have ever taken of one of them.


Wow, that place sounds like such a peaceful escape, surrounded by nature like that! I love how you can just sit there and see so much wildlife—turtles, birds, even a ghost (that gave me chills just reading about it)! The white heron photo must be a great reminder of how cool that moment was, even if the birds didn’t stay too long. It’s amazing how nature has a way of lifting your spirits when you need it most.