Town is in Fair mode

in Liketulast year

I was out of town for nearly a week. We are having the yearly fair due to it being the city's patron saint's day on the 14-15 and I only got to go to the grounds today. So we have a, what to me, is a huge playground. There are all kinds of games- ferris wheel, the hammer, the zipper and maybe thirty more. Thing is it is fenced and you have to pay to get in, as I am cheaop and also a coward I didn't go in. I mean I am not going to pay just to go into the grounds, and I certainly am not going to pay to get on a machine which frightens me enormously.

But there are also gambling games, cards, dice, black and white, big dices etc. I went to look and a friend of mine was winning and gave me 500 Lempiras, about twenty dollars. So instead of spending I actually came out with money. Unfortunately they only have Pepsi for sale and I am a Coca Cola addict, still I had to drink one, invited by another friend. I think I could make a living at that place.

On Saturday we have the carnival, which is the largest in Honduras, lots of people and lots of musical groups, I don't go any more, without alcohol it is no longer fun. I might go if they bring some good group from out of the country, but I don't know who is coming yet.







