Hanging out at Aunt's and Delicious Lunch

in Liketulast year

Happy blessed 80th birthday to my Aunt. She had mentioned to me that hers need not be celebrated nor being greeted and she meant it. She prefers everyday is normal day and nothing is elaborated, not even on her birthday. This photo showed her lovingness.
Our sumptuous lunch! Enoki omelette and a tray of pan fried chicken fillets, fish fillets and prawns. Super duper yummy!
The boys got their jackpot today as they are always looking forward to this dish. You can eat those on their own, or dipped with your favourite sauce. We chose chilli sauce.
Enoki omelette, my Aunt's own creation. Chopped the enoki into smaller pieces, seasoned the eggs well and beaten. Added in enoki and fry like how you fry omelette.
Aunt was busy packing the remainder food for us. And suddenly, the youngest one who pretended-play as thief was being 'shot' by the police and hence he lied down. Lol
The boys were busy building weapons using the blocks. These blocks were the same blocks played by my husband when he was still young, babysitted by my Aunt too.
His small weapon.
His sniper.
Playing in action. Hahaha!

Another lovely Saturday for us. We went to our Aunt's at 11am so that the boys got to hang out a little longer since it was my Aunt's birthday. She is officially 80 years old. We did not celebrate for her at her request. She mentioned to me last week that for 80 years old, and at such old age, she does not prefer any celebrations but rather she prefers to live day by day happily and treat every day as usual. I respected her request. So, I want to type here.

Happy 80th Birthday, my lovely Aunt!

I know she will never have chance to read this but I want to dedicate this post to her, hence you see her photo at the first one on this blog.

You have taught me so much about life, how to be grateful for little and not to be proud if we have more. And to remain humble when we are successful and never look down at those who are still getting there. She has her fierce side, or rather, her caring side but expressed in a stricter tone, but throughout the years, I had learned to listen to her strict tone knowing that deep within her, she cared so much. She also taught me that it is powerful to trust the One above, that all things come from Him and all things belong to Him. And to work hard while we still can, give thanks for the pairs of hands and legs bestowed upon us. She showed me how grit looked like.

Now, let's see what she cooked.

Pan Fried Chicken, Fish and Prawns

Whenever she cooked this dish, it would be like jackpot for the boys. Almost every Saturday, both of the boys would start guessing whether would there be any fried chicken nuggets and fish nuggets. They called it this way because my Aunt said so. The only difference was her chicken nuggets were huge. Haha. Aunt usually fillet the chicken from chicken breast and for the fish nuggets, she debone the whole fish and cut them into fish fillet. She then coated the chicken, fish and prawns with her own flour mixed. Then carefully pan fried. We super love this. The portion was big, because she cooked for our lunch and dinner! Thank you, Aunt. 🥰

Enoki Omelette

She said she forgot to buy vegetables, so this morning we went out to grocery shop opposite of her house to grab Enoki mushrooms to make enoki omelette. If you love enoki mushrooms, you would love this dish, otherwise you would prefer the usual omelette. The enoki taste was stronger today and somehow the boys did not quite used to it. So, I ate a lot a lot of enoki omelette today. I really did not mind. Love it!!!

After finishing my lunch (the boys were still full at 12pm, so it was only me eating, suddenly my Aunt bursted into laughter. She just found out she had a huge pot of lotus root soup and she had totally forgotten about because she placed the pot temporarily at the balcony to create space. However, it was already time for me to leave, so she quickly packed for us the soup. It was such a big pot that she packed two containers for us, and still had a lot remainder for herself and my cousin who will come to her house the next day.

Lotus root soup

She said she started boiling this at 6am because she wanted the meat to be real soft. She used pork neck and pork soup bones to boil this soup, added in a lot of lotus root, some red dates and some dried cuttlefish. i drank a bowl at home before I went out for my job. It was so delicious and replenishing. The body could feel it. Again, thank you, Aunt.

While I was enjoying my lunch, the boys still non-stop playing, running and even playing police and thief. The eldest was a police and the youngest was a thief. They enjoyed building guns from the blocks, and enjoyed pretend-play-shooting. I noticed my Aunt enjoyed watching them play. Such bliss on her face.

After lunch, I helped her to settle some bills' payment, a little chit chat about finance because she knew I started my part-time tutoring job. She sent out her blessing to me and her entire Wong clan, saying we all will be blessed in all our endeavours. She then proceeded to pack the food for us for our dinner. She also kept some for herself for dinner too! So, our lunch and dinner were settled, all thanks to my Aunt! ❤️

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The Kiddos are cute, they love the food for sure

Yes, they love the food. Thank you so much. :)

you are welcome

I love to see healthy elders and children playing with toys and not with a phone.

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