Cocktail night with my friends 🍹🍔[ENG/ESP] Noche de cócteles con mis amigos

in Liketulast month



Happy Saturday to all I hope you enjoy the day
Yesterday I went out with my friends to celebrate my birthday and we went to a terrace where they sell very good food and drinks , I ordered some margaritas and my friends ordered other drinks . For lunch we ordered chicken burgers and they were very tasty.
I really liked the place, I would definitely go again, we enjoyed live music and lots of people dancing.

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •All photos are my property •Camera Xiaomi note 10 pro•Lightroom Editor



Feliz sábado a todos espero que disfruten del dia

Ayer salí con mis amigos para celebrar mi cumpleaños y fuimos a una terraza donde venden comida y bebidas muy buenas , pedí unas margaritas y mis amigos pidieron otros tragos . De comer pedimos hamburguesas de pollo y estaban muy ricas
Me gustó mucho el lugar , sin duda iría otra vez , disfrutamos de música en vivo y de mucha gente bailando

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad • Camara Xiaomi note 10 pro• Editor Lightroom

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Que lo disfruten Mucho 👏👏👏