Labor Day at the beach 🏝️🌊[ENG/ESP] Día del trabajador en la playa

in Liketulast month



Happy day to all I hope you are very well and happy worker's day to all
Today a friend invited me to the beach and as I did not have much work I decided to go, we went to a beach far away but you were full of people, you could tell that everyone was enjoying their day off.
The waves on the beach were great and I really enjoyed bathing on the beach, I needed it.

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •All photos are my property •Camera Xiaomi note 10 pro•Lightroom Editor



Feliz día a todos espero que estén muy bien y feliz día de trabajador a todos

Hoy una amiga me invitó a la playa y como no tenía mucho trabajo decidí ir , fuimos a una playa lejos pero estabas llena de gente, se nota que todos estaban disfrutando su día libre
Las olas de la playa estaban grandísimas y disfrute mucho bañandome en la playa, lo necesitaba

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad • Camara Xiaomi note 10 pro• Editor Lightroom

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