Starting the week with a smile 🪷🍃[ENG/ESP] Empezando la semana con una sonrisa

in Liketu26 days ago



Happy beginning of the week dear community
Today I had to go early to the dentist to have the bottom part of the orthodontic treatment installed , it would be the only thing missing already and I have to come back every month for check ups.
It bothers me a little but I hope to get used to it soon, my smile looks strange 🥲 but it will be worth it.
I wish you all a productive week ❤️

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •All photos are my property •Camera Xiaomi note 10 pro•Lightroom Editor



Feliz inicio de semana querida comunidad

Hoy tuve que ir temprano al odontólogo para que me instalarán la parte de abajo del tratamiento de ortodoncia, ya sería lo único que falta y tengo que volver cada mes para los controles
Me molesta un poco pero espero acostumbrarme pronto , mi sonrisa se ve extraña 🥲 pero va a valer la pena
Les deseo a todo una semana productiva ❤️

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad • Camara Xiaomi note 10 pro• Editor Lightroom

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