Thursday of nice pictures for liketu 🌹💕[ENG/ESP] Fotos de lindas fotos para liketu

in Liketu29 days ago



Happy day beautiful community, I hope you have a good week
I wanted to show you the pictures I took before going to the restaurant on Sunday, I really liked my style and I looked really cute.
I'm going to start wearing those colors because I feel like they look really good on me ❤️‍🩹 I hope you like the pictures just like me

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •All photos are my property •Camera Xiaomi note 10 pro•Lightroom Editor



Feliz día linda comunidad, espero que tengan una buena semana

Les quería mostrar las fotos que me tomé antes de ir al restaurante el domingo, me gustó mucho mi estilo y me veía muy linda
Voy a empezar a usar esos colores porque siento que se me ven muy bien ❤️‍🩹 espero que les gusten las fotos igual que a mí

•Thanks everyone for reading, see you in the next post •Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad • Camara Xiaomi note 10 pro• Editor Lightroom

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