A photo before leaving?

in Liketu4 months ago


There are never too many photos, since a month ago I have an app called Daylio which is like an emotional diary, in which it brings a kind of photo diary. A great idea since it uploads to the cloud and you can see all your memories in photos and see exactly how you looked that day while reading how you felt.

This app has made me hooked, because I don't forget to write daily which is surprising because I usually forget everything, but something that has also motivated me is to take daily photos of everything, whether it's something that moved me, a person who was with me or an act of love that is possible to photograph.

Of course, it is not always appropriate to take pictures, but whenever you can it is a great idea to treasure memories while understanding your feelings and managing your emotions, likewise a picture says more than many words, and the face and the look say well how you feel.

I took these for the app, but I really liked the result so, I share them.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu