My introduction post on Hive blog

in Liketulast month

Ciao, I'm Jody, a linguist living in the heart of Italy, where every corner tells its own story, and every dialect whispers the secrets of past centuries.

My journey into the world of languages began with a curiosity nurtured by my multicultural upbringing. Raised by a French mother and an Italian father, my childhood was a symphony of languages that echoed through our cozy home in Florence. From the melodic rhythm of the French language to the passionate gestures of the Italian, I have been fascinated by the nuances of communication from a young age.


After graduating from the University of Bologna with a degree in linguistics, I began a career that took me into the bustling halls of a prestigious language school located in the heart of Rome.


Every day is a whirlwind of excitement as I delve into the intricacies of grammar, syntax and phonetics, unraveling the mysteries of the language one lesson at a time.

But my passion for languages extends far beyond the classroom. When I'm not immersed in conjugations and declensions, you can often find me wandering the narrow streets of Rome with my trusty notepad in hand, jotting down snatches of dialects and colloquialisms that pepper the conversations of the locals.

And when the wanderlust beckons, I happily answer the call, setting off on adventures that will take me to the farthest corners of the globe.


And continuing my linguistic journey, I am reminded of the words of the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri: “In the middle of the path of our life, I came to my senses, in a dark forest, where the straight path was lost. ". But I found my way." And so, with every step I find my way through languages.

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Welcome to the best web3 network ever, Jody. Have fun around here!