Hokitika Gorge suspension bridge

in Liketu28 days ago


The shorter hike at Hokitika Gorge was nice, but the longer one, which is 30 minutes return, was nicer for me. I started hiking recently when I got the chance, so the longer the trail 👣 the better for me to enjoy the nature around.

Passing through the suspension bridge was one of the pecks that came with the hike.

I must say this bridge was wobbly, for those who find suspension bridges uncomfortable, this is one of them, but as for me, I enjoyed walking through it and taking photos.

It only takes a maximum of 20 people, so I tried not to stay too long on the bridge as others were enjoying the views through the bridge as well.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Hahaha I hate those bridges !LOL
But worth crossing in many ways.
I went last week to cross a river. It took 5 bridges to do so. There were little islands in the middle. The river was sooooo large. 2 of them where also suspension bridges. I will share soon the videos 😎

Have a good evening 👋🏻😊

I thought of you when I was on this bridge, I remembered you told me you are scared of them lol.

Interesting I look forward to seeing the video.
Enjoy your day Jackie.


Hahaha !LOL I so don’t like them.
I let you know when I find some time for it and post.
Thanks, enjoy your evening Joe 👋🏻😊

Great thanks Jackie 😊


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It is a beautiful architectural design for the bridge
Happy hiking
Have a good day

Hi bro
Thanks, the architect of the bridge is simply amazing. Quite an experience walking on it.


A really cool suspension bridge with a view of the river... I'll be like you, I won't stay long on this bridge, especially if the 21st person arrives 😀

Hahaha the 21st person is the main danger lol. The limit my be another 2 to 3 persons though.


I think the view is well worth testing out the suspension bridge, but you gotta be alert lol, especially when the 21st person arrives. Amazing scenery around the area :)

Hahaha the 21st person is a threat to the bridge holding up.
The scene is very much worth it 👌


Crossing suspension bridges gives me the creeps, although if it is part of a journey I will get across somehow....

Awesome in nature!


Lol when with the likes of me, I will motivate you to cross.

The natural scenery really worth it.


Might, might not depending on condition of bridge and wind sway... yikes!

!LUV have a wonderful new week.


Thanks and you too.