Caminandito en familia por la cota mil y helado para celebrar

in Liketu26 days ago


El domingo es día de caminar y compartir en familia. Por eso nos fuimos directo temprano en la mañana a la cota mil aprovechando que la mañana estaba bastante linda y fresca. Subimos y comenzamos el recorrido por la Av Baralt, allí seguimos hasta llegar al acceso de Altamira y posteriormente bajar para irnos a casa.

Aprovechamos de comprar unos helados para comer algo rico y refrescarnos del vaporon que hizo. Yo escogí de tamarindo y piña, Mathias de tamarindo y parchita y Enmanuel pidió tizana. Esteban delicioso 😋 fue una salida sencilla y divertida 😄

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Texto traducido por Deepl.

A little family walk on the mountain and ice-cream to celebrate

Sunday is a day for walking and sharing with the family. That's why we went early in the morning to the Cota Mil, taking advantage that the morning was quite nice and fresh. We went up and started our walk along Baralt Avenue, then we continued until we reached the access to Altamira and then we went down to go home.

We took the opportunity to buy some ice creams to eat something delicious and cool off from the steamy weather. I chose tamarind and pineapple, Mathias tamarind and parchita and Enmanuel asked for tizana. Esteban delicious 😋 it was a fun and easy outing 😄.

Exclusive photos for this publication.
Banner created in Canva.
Text translated by Deepl.

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