Today I did bokeh photography, just to remind myself why I prefer the camera over the smartphone.

in Liketu2 years ago


When it comes to photography there is something that without a doubt we all like, and that is the so-called Bokeh effect, which is produced depending on the quality of our lens with which we are taking the picture, and the depth of field we are using, which we control with the aperture, as well as the distance of the subject we are taking pictures of.

Today I was walking down the street, I was looking for some clay pots for my cactus and succulents, when I was coming back I was passing by the park where I usually go to, and I remembered that I haven't been there for a long time, and since I was looking at smartphones because I want to change my phone, it made me remember that with cell phones we can also get the bokeh, even if it is a fake one and through software, sometimes it looks good and sometimes it fails, so using a professional lens gives many advantages over mobile devices.

That's why I went into the park and took these pictures, I would have liked to come a little earlier to have more light available, but as you know, I'm not afraid to let the ISO go up just to get the picture, I think I'll go to the park on Monday or Tuesday to get something better, because tomorrow I will be transplanting some of my plants.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Wow, the details are pretty dope....
Smartphones these days have such technology to capture details as a high-end camera does, still, some limitations always find their way to set the differences.

Yeah you are absolutely right, there are some devices that can take very good pictures, however in a more professional way is where you can tell the difference, I like smartphone pictures for instagram for example, or when I know they are not going to be printed.

I also prefer the camera. In my last post I make a technical detail of it and the exposure I have used.

I belong to the old school. I even have an old reflex that you needed all the time in the world to frame the picture just right because you had no way to correct.

Now with digital cameras the whole world of photography has changed. The care and attention for the details of a photo has been lost.

Regards @monster-one.

I don't have much time in photography and everything I know I have learned by myself, and just as you say, it is a pity that right now a good photo where all the details were taken care of is not appreciated, it is true that smartphone photography has gained a lot of space because of its speed and simplicity, however a professional photo will always look better, greetings.