
Right. It does feel like a real gym. Too bad you cannot go there with me, I know you would have no issues using it even in winter when it´s too cold and rainy/snowy for my pussy friends :D

Noup, we'd train like Rocky Balboa
Dude, I swear to God if I succeed at making money online it's my goal to meet you somewhere


Hahaha, I actually call this kind of workout (in bad / extreme weather) the "Rocky mode workout" so you were spot on with that :D I would love to meet you as well dude, as far as I remember, we only spent literally a few minutes talking to each other that night in Krakow, right? I remember you were super tired and I was already drunk :D

I was absolutely destroyed. So destroyed that two days later I fell sick with a sore throat and had to start the bicycle trip like that. What happened to @matkodurko? He was there too that night.

Yeah, I know. Sick on that brutal winter bike Eurotrip. The Rocky Mode must have been on big time! :D

Matko? Yeah, we actually came to Krakow together and shared an AirBnb for that night. He stopped being active on the chain quite soon after the Fest. The last time we spoke, he was doing some volunteering in Greece but that was quite some time ago already, I don´t have any recent updates from him...

Yeha, I had his Whatsapp and last update he was in Greece indeed. I'll try to phone his later today to see. I bet he's using the same phone number though

We were in touch through FB (messenger). I can try this one too if you won´t be able to reach him...