Exploration & Leftover Photographs

in Liketulast year (edited)


I have been taking a lot more photographs lately and pushing my drone to its limit despite some strong winds still. Really risking the drone and sending it out high and far into the distance in search of new locations to capture and some general exploration. Even when I don't take photographs with an artistic intention, I'm truthfully just having fun flying around and seeing what's around me. Part of the fun of having the drone isn't just creating, but that huge sense of discovery it brings!

Yesterday I came across a new farm, mostly discovering it due to the very loud cows that could be heard from afar. I flew over a river and came across a series of buildings, only seeing once I got home and blowing the photograph up on my monitor that they were full of cows. Unfortunately I believe these friends are ending up between two buns. Though some of the nearby fields are also home to dairy cows, which roam free in the fields; again fortunately kept afar by the river that runs through and ensures me and others roaming the countryside don't catch a fight with some four-legged individuals.

Usually I don't bother sharing the photographs I feel aren't all that artistic, but as the weather turns and I feel that exploration fun again, I feel there's a lot of fun in sharing the world around me and documenting it. Not every photograph needs to be groundbreaking and considered art, after all. Especially when posting with Liketu! Which has a more relaxed approach and really opens the door to photograph sharing.

I actually think I've almost exhausted the potential of this area, and will start needing to get out a bit beyond in search of areas to shoot. Once the fields grow tall, I'll have some more subjects, but I feel that I often go to the same areas as of late. Struggling to find something unique to capture. But even so, for that fun of flying around, it's still worth it going for those long walks and getting fresh air. I wouldn't be doing it without the drone!

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Hehehe, you're just making us that are droneless feel it's worth!

I think you already know the solution to that! ;^]