Precious Time Spent

in Liketu10 months ago

Pose before food!
Enjoying mouthfuls together!
Rene trying Vietnamese coffee the first time

You don't get to spend much time with your siblings when hospital runs are more often than not in life.
However today was a special day as Rene gets to spend some time with @melissa.cheoh's mum and having a blast together over lunch was just a sight for sore eyes for the both of them when they remenisence with the few hours together

Both almost 160 years old added together and still could call each other from time to time, these are some of the moments that people who doesn't have (or no more having) a good sibling to chill together will wished this would happen more often.

Cherish people around you who you regards as family

Philip & Rene

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Two beautiful sisters enjoying a delicious meal. It's so great to spend quality time with the loved ones.

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