in Liketu11 months ago

Dear Hivers.
Yesterday our collective of workers of the Casa de la Cultura decided to have a special day, giving our contribution to the development of the Finquita del Arte, an artistic and agro-ecological project of one of our colleagues, all the Art Instructors and the administrative staff came in the morning hours to carry out agricultural work as part of our concern for local food production.

At the end of the day's work, as the second part of the morning, we gathered to celebrate Art Instructor's Day. We shared jokes, smiles, food prepared in our homes and we paid tribute to this daily humanistic work of bringing art to the neighborhoods of our community.

All photos are my own. taken with my Motog82 cell phone.
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I'm glad you are able to get involved in these projects, sir; helping others may seem like a duty, but no: helping others is also a gift.
thank you.💙

You are welcome! Hola cubanita...gracias por tus palabras. Cierto es que apoyar a otros tambien nos trae felicidad! Vive feliz...!

Los trabajos voluntarios tienen un algo, donde a pesar del trabajo, siempre hay tiempo para compartir con los colegas y amigos.

Sii para mí realmente estoy en un colectivo genial, con alma de artista y corazones muy humanos

Great to see that you all gathered to do a bit of work around the Casa de la Cultura, and even had a good time later. Balanced activities that bring many benefits ;)

Hoy celebramos en Cuba el día del Instructor de Arte.. Eso fue lo que hicimos el viernes por adelantado. Ese es nuestro oficio, llevar adelante procesos artísticos y enseñanza artística dentro de nuestra comunidad

Sí, feliz día a todos los artistas e intructores de arte en Cuba 😇

Gracias amiga.. quisiera extender esa felicitación a todos los colegas artista e instructores del mundo..Un cálido abrazo para ti desde el Caribe