A coffee, a chance to enjoy a good time ☕💫

in Liketu2 years ago


Taking a break to go out for a coffee is an activity that I usually do some days of the week, not always, but at least 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes it's because I have a meeting with friends or a work meeting, other times it's just to take a break from my daily activities and enjoy a different moment.

Life is so unique that we can enjoy moments like these, where the taste, the aroma and a good chat can change the experience of a day. 😊🤍☕

Tomar un break para salir por un café es una actividad que suelo hacer algunos días de la semana, no simpre, pero si al menos 3 o 4 veces a la semana. A veces es porque tengo una reunión con amigos o una reunión de trabajo, en otras ocasiones es solo para tomar un break de mis actividades cotidianas y disfrutar de un momento diferente.

La vida es tan única que podemos disfrutar de momentos como estos, donde el sabor, el aroma y una buena charla pueden cambiar la experiencia de un día. ☕💫🤍

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That's good though. Taking a break sipping a hot coffee with friends.
Unfortunately, I don't drink coffee. It doesn't taste good to me.
Enjoy the day!

Thank you, and have a nice day, too 💫. I have friends who don't like the taste of coffee and accompany us with other beverages like tea, soda, and water.
I liked reading your comment.