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RE: Calm Flow

in Liketu2 years ago

I thrive best when I go with the flow. I can be swiped of my feet for a bit when things don't go according to plan, but I also adapt easily after being a bit annoyed, stressed or angry (depending on how bad the situation is lol). I find it a true valuable skill if someone can go with the flow most of the times.

I love the waterfall! I think we must be able to find some here too but I guess we will find these when we buy a car somewhere in the next months hopefully, so that will have to wait a bit haha. There's something cool about waterfalls, and so relaxing as well if you listen to the water fall.

Have a good week ahead!



Thank You So Much @thisismylife

It’s awesome to be in your position, as you transition with calmness.

Spain is on my wish list to visit, so I am pre-visiting vicariously through your journey lol.