Luxury Bronzed Glam Makeup|BTS Of Hive Top Model Content Day!!

in Liketulast year


Welcome to my new post,liketu friends, i am sharing with you all an extream glam makeup which i did recently, this makeup look was done for the #hivestopmodel contest, the challenge was to create a gala night makeup look which you wear to the event,for this look i decide to go for a bronzed glam look which i belive came out perfectly and this are behind the scenes of my getting ready to shoot my challenge photos. I am wearing my favorite red robe with some hair towel, this is a chill back and relax outfit i would wear before a gala night event.

For this looking i went for a bronzed look which i mentioned before, to go with this look is some red lips and a lot of makeup highlighter, my lashes are dramatic which was what i was going for and my jewelry is made up of some blue dressy earrings and white pearl neckalace. and this completed the look.

let me know if you like the look by commenting your thoughst below,do not forget to follow for more if you like, i would see youin the next post.

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