Dia de pileta [Esp-Eng]

in Liketulast month


Buenas noches a todos y feliz sabado! 🤗
Luego de una hermosa cena, decidimos descansar bien y no salir a la noche. Estabamos muy cansados luego de mas de 12 horas en la playa "Solar del Este" y teniamos planeado ir a un manantial cerca de la ciudad con diferentes piletas climatizadas.

Good night to all and happy Saturday! 🤗
After a beautiful dinner, we decided to rest well and not go out at night. We were very tired after more than 12 hours on the "Solar del Este" beach and had planned to go to a spring near the city with different heated pools.

Apenas despertamos a las 9 de la mañana nos subimos todos a mi auto y partimos hacia este manantial. Al llegar notamos que ya estaba muy concurrido el lugar. Al principio nadie se animaba a meterse a las piletas pero era porque no sabiamos que estaba caliente 😅.
Cuando supimos que estaban climatizadas no nos importo el clima exterior que estaba algo nublado el cielo y soplaba un poco el viento.

As soon as we wake up at 9 in the morning we all get on my car and leave for this spring. Upon arrival we noticed that the place was already very busy. At first nobody was encouraged to get into the pools but it was because we didn't know it was hot 😅.
When we knew they were heated we didn't care about the outer climate that the sky was somewhat cloudy and the wind blow a little.

Aun asi nos metimos y pasamos una preciosa tarde de pileta!!! 🤗🏊‍♂️

Even so we got into a beautiful pool afternoon !!! 🤗🏊‍♂️

For the best experience view this post on Liketu