Moekhlas Sidik Red Mosque

in Liketu3 months ago


For those of you who like traveling on religious tourism in the East Java area. It wouldn't be complete if you didn't visit the Red Mosque which is located in Pandaan District, Pasuruan Regency. The Red Mosque was named the Moekhlas Sidik Mosque after the benefactor who devoted himself to building this magnificent mosque. The architecture of the mosque is very unique, majestic and beautiful with the identical characteristic of red combined with white in several parts of the mosque ornament. Like mosques in general, the Moekhlas Sidik Red Mosque consists of three parts, namely the dome, the body of the mosque and the courtyard. However, this mosque does not have a minaret. The position of the mosque was built quite high so that it shows the grandeur of the mosque's architecture. On the inside of the mosque, it has eight sides that jut out to form an octagon.

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