Me llaman loca - They call me crazy

in Hive Mexico3 years ago

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Loca me llaman, y loca seguiré siendo

Crazy they call me, and crazy I will continue to be

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Hace 3 años aproximadamente que inicie en este mundo primero con steemit, luego con hive y poco a poco he ido aprendiendo mas y mas sobre el criptouniverso. Desde entonces parezco profeta, a todo mundo le comento sobre las ventajas que todo este mundillo trae, y me parece super curioso como todo mundo me ve con cara de que les estoy diciendo un chiste, lo ven como algo muy descabellado para ser real.

About 3 years ago I started in this world first with steemit, then with hive and little by little I have been learning more and more about the cryptouniverse. Since then I seem like a prophet, I tell everyone about the advantages that this whole world brings, and I find it super curious how everyone sees me with the face that I am telling them a joke, they see it as something too crazy to be real.

Ustedes no se imaginan el tiempo que le tomó a mis padres entender porque yo pasaba tanto tiempo sentada frente al computador, porque vivo pendiente de tomar unas buenas fotografías, vídeos, de tener siempre un contenido para compartir. Me veían como si estuviera loca, porque siempre ando pensando en que cosas de mi alrededor serían buenas para compartir en el blog, siempre estoy pendiente de los mercados que sube, que baja la moneda, y eso les parece primero incomprensible y segundo cosas de una loca.

You cannot imagine the time it took for my parents to understand why I spent so much time sitting in front of the computer, because I am always waiting to take good pictures, videos, to always have content to share. They saw me as if I was crazy, because I always think about what things around me would be good to share on the blog, I am always aware of the markets that rise, that the currency falls, and that seems first incomprehensible and second things of a crazy.

Incluso para mi, durante mucho tiempo fue como algo increíble poder generar ingresos a partir de mis ideas y mi creatividad. Con el tiempo, más allá de solo generar dinero, esto se convirtió en una especie de vicio, a mi me gusta compartir mis ideas en este medio, siempre he tenido una mente curiosa y que piensa mas de la cuenta, tener la oportunidad de compartir eso con otras personas y conocer sus opiniones, entablar conversaciones desde otros puntos de vista para mi es maravilloso y enriquecedor.

Even for me, for a long time it was like something incredible to be able to generate income from my ideas and my creativity. Over time, beyond just generating money, this became a kind of vice, I like to share my ideas in this medium, I have always had a curious mind and that thinks more than the account, to have the opportunity to share That with other people and knowing their opinions, starting conversations from other points of view for me is wonderful and enriching.

Yo a todo mundo que conozco les hablo sobre hive, sobre las crypto y los invito a leer e informarse mas al respecto; lo que me sorprende es la actitud que adquieren la mayoría de personas, una incredulidad o una apatía de aprender, es como que todos asumen que esto es demasiado complicado y ni siquiera hacen el intento por tan siquiera echar un vistazo a la página a ver como funcionan las cosas. O también está el caso de los que se registran, pero como en sus primeras 2 publicaciones no obtienen un montón de ganancias se frustran y abandonan todo.

I tell everyone I know about hive, about crypto and I invite you to read and learn more about it; What surprises me is the attitude that most people acquire, an incredulity or an apathy to learn, it is like that everyone assumes that this is too complicated and they do not even try to even take a look at the page to see how things work. Or there is also the case of those who register, but since their first 2 publications do not get a lot of profit they get frustrated and leave everything.

Las personas creen que esto es "dinero fácil", y la verdad es que no es así, y creo que este es unode los principales problemas que tienen las personas al enfrentarse a hive por primera vez, con esa idea de que me haré millonario en días, se frustran muy rápido y abandonan. Es decir, como todo en la vida, hay que dedicarle tiempo, esforzarse en hacer las cosas bien para luego poder optar a tener buenas recompensas.

People think this is "easy money", and the truth is that it is not, and I think this is one of the main problems that people have when facing hive for the first time, with that idea that I will become a millionaire in days, they get frustrated very quickly and quit. That is, like everything in life, you have to dedicate time, make an effort to do things well and then be able to choose to have good rewards.

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{ People think this is "easy money" }
When I say here something ... then I did not get my HIVE easy ... I have seen lot bad and good things ... so it is not easy :)
But what I do know is that there's nothing to lose here, and there's more to gain here than just using old sites that don't help or give anything back.... like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google jan. But what I do know 1000% is that old sites ( Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google jan ) ... are stealing our personal information and selling it without us knowing how and where and how lot they get from this .