 4 years ago (edited) 

Thanks Paula! I appreciate you stopping by to check it out! I value your response! :)

I’m not sure about power BI, I had to uninstall it in my work laptop because I needed specific access to use it and I’m not there yet as far as my learning. I tried to use it but since I wasn’t granted access to it, it screwed up one of the other functions of my laptop, I don’t remember if it was tableau or excel but one of the programs couldn’t run with it simultaneously.

I haven’t explored it yet but we did those in training! I will give a bubble chart a try tomorrow, I’ve been using it daily to get accustomed to it. I am thinking a heat chart too, especially since there’s powerhouses like Mary on there!

I’m also getting better with SQL at the same time but just in a work perspective. I’m going to download a free version soon since I can’t connect to hive with work software lol. It’s been a great amount of learning productivity for me lately!

If you do any type of Viz stuff, I would be honored if you cross posted it over here! I’m trying to build a little community of Viz enthusiasts!