Our vegetable and root crops garden update!

in Hive Gardening2 months ago

Hello hivers!!!!

Good day everyone!I hope you are all doing great.
The last time I posted a blog here was our preparation for the garden.From cleaning and preparing the seeds and now I am happy to share with the updates as what I said that I will be giving some updates.

Sad to say that most of the seeds we get from DA Department of Agrarian was not a good seeds ,we failed to make a seedlings for it .Only one which is the string beans that grows,the rest was failed to make a seedlings.

So what my mother in-law did was she bought some seeds in the market.

String beans



String beans are easily to grow than the other vegetables.


The squash seed was failed to grow but a few weeks ago we had squash for our meal and I tried to put the seeds in the soil and look at that ,it is growing and some new seeds are growing too Wich I put 4days ago.



Sweet potato

Who loves sweet potato here?I really love sweet potato .We always bought it from our neighborhood but this time we already have our sweet potato plant.
I am so excited to harvest this soon haha.
When I was a kid ,this kind of crops saves out hungry tummy.We usually had this crop as our meal everytime we don't have rice for our meal.

During vacation ,we visited those huge sweet potato farm that already harvested and asked the owner of we can gather some left sweet potato.We called it (manghinurok)gathering the left sweet potato from the harvest.



Gabi or Taro

This is perfect for pork soup ,my mother in-law's younger brother planted.


And that's it for our garden update!

Hoping that our garden will be successful and it will bear more fruits so we can have something to prepare in our table.
If it's going to be a successful grade,we can share some of it to some people who needs it.
Happy gardening!!!


wow u have such a big garden

You seem to be having better luck than me, but then I haven't put anything in the dirt yet, since it has been too wet, too cold and I was/am in too much pain.
However, I have 2 bags of new planting soil, one bail of peat moss, and today I bought several tomatoe plants (different varieties) and herbs, Sweet Basil, Lavender, Chamomile and a few others I don't remember right now.

Good Luck!


I don't know if this vegetables and crops will be successful haha ,hoping in the future we can harvest it all😄

I wish you much success

Thank you🥰

Thanks anyway sir for dropping by!