KBK Bookclub (February 11th) | Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange

in KBK2 years ago


I am glad to announce that the book chosen for the next KBK Bookclub meeting is "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess.

The meeting shall take place at @krolestwo on February 11th at 19.00. The discussion will be held in English, but you are free to read the book in whatever language suits you best.

The book was proposed by @wayward-dreams and voted by @szmulkberg and myself. @edwinedwin re-proposed "Animal Farm" (G. Orwell), "Green Mile" (S. King) and "The Alchemist" (P. Coelho); while @gwyddpel proposed "The Separation" by Christopher Priest. None received any preference, but @edwinedwin is right in insisting. Someday I am sure he'll succeed!

The calendar invite for the KBK Bookclub is available here. If you are curious about how the Bookclub is run, @przeczytaj presents all the details of the project. Have a read!

Previous bookclub meetings:

Tomasi di Lampedusa's Gattopardo (11/12/2021)
Dostoevsky's Demons (12/02/2022)
McCarthy's The Road (12/03/2022)
Solovyov's Short Story of the Antichrist (09/04/2022)
Stanisław Lem's Solaris (14/05/2022)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Night Flight (11/06/2022)
Ernst Jünger's Sturm (02/07/2022)
Aristophanes' The Clouds (13/08/2022)
Paola Peretti's The Distance Between Me and the Cherry Tree (10/09/2022)
Italo Calvino's Cosmicomiche (08/10/2022).
Adam Mickiewicz's Księgi Pielgrzymstwa Polskiego (12/11/2022)
Winston Groom's Forrest Gump (10/12/2022)
Jane Austen's Emma (14/01/2023)


In my opinion the poll shut be more democratic and let’s say 40% of book club attendees should vote to choose the book. In case turnout is to low we should repeat voting.

Interesting idea. Unfortunately, I fear 2 votes is precisely 40% of last time's attendance!

Plus, many usual voters (@hallmann, @justynao, @margrzeta) didn't vote this time around. I recommend you to push those who haven't yet voted to support your proposals (and vote yourself as well)! :)

Voting on myself can be treated like substitute of masturbation, which completely is out of my interest 😅 but what do you think about ping previous attendees day before end of poll to vote. Probably they don’t remember the poll is waiting?

What?! @edwinedwin, only Freud could make such an association to online voting.

I don't see anything wrong with it, but fair enough. But why should I ping them to vote for you? I wanted A Clockwork Orange to win, because it was written in the 70's. It was against my own interest to have them voting!
At most, you could've pinged them (unless you think is a substitute to an invitation to love, but I can assure that nobody else is as Freudian as you on this!)

Nobody says to “ping on me”. Just ping to leave a vote. You are administrator/organizer so it should be your job. But ok. I can ping people to remind the the poll is abandoned and only @ipa voted

Yes. That's a good idea. It ensures everyone's aware of the voting and then of the final decision that has been made. The question is: - who should we mention exactly; those who have attended last time, or anyone who has ever attended? And where should we mention them? I am of the idea that it's much simpler if you directly reach to the people you think can vote for you.

We can discuss it before or after the next meeting! :)

Okay 👍🏻 to be continued